White Crater Tour

Mount Tangkuban Perahu is not a foreign name in Bandung. With its beautiful scenery and legendary story, it makes Tangkuban Perahu always interesting to visit. From here then making Mount Tangkuban Perahu a priority destination or destination for tourists while on vacation in Bandung. However, because the Tangkuban Perahu area is fairly high, having a vacation here certainly requires a strong and excellent vehicle. The tourist area of ​​Tangkuban Perahu is located at an altitude of 2,000 masl. So from here if you go to Tangkuban Perahu with a vehicle that is not prime, then it is not impossible that you will experience problems that make your vacation messy. Because the vehicle is not tough being taken to Tangkuban Perahu, it can cause the vehicle to crash or other problems. But if you use Bandung Tangkuban Perahu Tour from our Dirgantara Car Rental, certainly an impressive experience can be obtained. This is because our fleets have guaranteed prime and tough conditions.

Starting at IDR 590.000

Skill level


Approx. time

12 Hours


21 KM


Kawah Putih or White Crater is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bandung. With its natural scenery that is so indulgent to the eye, making this tourist attraction always crowded with tourists. Kawah Putih is not just a volcanic lake. Because of the color that this crater presents, it makes the landscape in Ciwidey so interesting to watch and immortalize with a camera. Even though there is sulfur gas that appears in the Kawah Putih area, it does not make the level of tourist arrivals decrease. But from several posts Kawah Putih on social media, people are increasingly curious to visit it. For those of you who are also interested in coming to Kawah Putih, choosing our Bandung White Crater Tour, Dirgantara Car Rental, will bring you a memorable holiday experience.

This Bandung White Crater Tour package will begin with pickup at the inn or at Husein Sastranegara Airport or also at Bandung Station or Kiara Condong with our fleet.

The tour will immediately begin with the aim of Kawah Putih in Ciwidey, precisely on Jalan Soreang Ciwidey about 50 km south of Bandung city. In Kawah Putih which has such a dazzling panorama, you will be able to enjoy a memorable vacation.

Not far from Kawah Putih with a distance of about 12 km, in this tour we will take you to Situ Pateggang. Situ Patenggang, which is a lake that is protected as a nature reserve, will allow you to do optimal relaxation.

Located at an altitude of 1,628 meters above sea level, the Bandung White Crater Tour will continue to the Rancabali Tea Plantation. With an atmosphere that is so beautiful with the green of the landscape it will make all your boredom and fatigue disappear immediately.

Before leaving, we will invite you to visit the Cibaduyut Market Center, which is the largest and longest shoe shopping center in the world. From here you will be able to get interesting souvenirs to take home.

Finally, the Bandung White Crater Tour will end with a return that we will take back either to the airport, to the station, to the terminal or to the inn.

Tour Details

Kawah Putih in Ciwidey is indeed a favorite destination for tourists who are on vacation in Bandung. With a beautiful and enchanting view, this crater is never empty of visitors. Kawah Putih itself is a volcanic lake which was formed by the eruption of Mount Patuha in the 10th century. The lake or crater water which is greenish-white appears because the surrounding soil is mixed with white sulfur. The water in the crater itself often changes color due to the influence of the sulfur content, weather and temperature. Now the color of the water in the crater that is supported by the surrounding nature is the main dish of the White Crater tourist attraction.

Kawah Putih itself was first discovered in 1837 by a botanist with German nationality named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn. At that time Dr. Franz intends to do research. When he was at the top of the mountain, he saw a white lake that smelled of sulfur which was then called Kawah Putih. Dr. Franz was then investigated and designated as a tourist attraction in 1987 by the government.

The natural scenery in Kawah Putih always attracts tourists to see and capture it. Even though it looks like a dead area because of finding dry plants and leaving only the stems, but that’s where the uniqueness is what visitors are looking for. Of all the dishes that are owned, tourists will always be eyeing the panorama to be immortalized with a camera. Kawah Putih, which is located at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level, will also make you feel more relaxed because of the cold temperature it presents.

Meanwhile, for a tour to Situ Patenggang and Rancabali Tea Plantation, you will also be able to have a pleasant holiday experience. This is because there you will be able to do maximum relaxing and relaxing activities. The natural atmosphere of Situ Patenggang and Rancabali Tea Plantation which is still natural and beautiful will indeed make the mind calm and relax. Not to mention the support of cool and pollution-free temperatures, which will certainly make your vacation even more impressive. Now from here you will get a very optimal relaxing and relaxation experience in these two destinations.

While in Situ Patenggang, there are two interesting spots that you can visit, namely Batu Cinta and Pulau Asmara which have their own myths from the love story of Ki Santang and Dewi Rengganis. While it is in the Rancabali Tea Plantation, you can find green views that stretch out and spoil the eyes. Apart from relaxing and enjoying the scenery, at the Rancabali Tea Plantation you can also take a tea factory tour that explains the process of making tea from start to finish.

From Situ Patenggang and Rancabali Tea Plantation, the tour will continue to Cibaduyut Market which is on Jalan Cibaduyut Raya No.7 Kb. Relief, Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung. In Bandung, Cibaduyut Market is not an arbitrary market. This is because this market is the largest and longest shoe shopping center in the world. Not only shoes, but at Cibaduyut Market you can also shop for various handicraft products such as bags, wallets, jackets and others.

What To Do

Choosing and participating in our Bandung White Crater Tour, there are many interesting and fun activities that you can do. Here are some of the activities and activities in the Bandung White Crater Tour that will make your vacation even more memorable.

  • See and enjoy the beautiful and mesmerizing panorama of Kawah Putih.
  • Capture the beautiful panorama of Kawah Putih which is enchanting and Instagramable.
  • Doing optimal relaxation to make everything saturated and tired immediately disappear in Situ Patenggang and Rancabali Tea Plantation.
  • Shop for various shoes and other leather handicrafts at the Cibaduyut Market Center.

Special Impression

As explained, that in the Tour explore Bandung in One Day you will be able to get a deep impression. Here are some deep impressions that you can get on a tour with us Dirgantara Cara Rental:

  • Visiting several Bandung City landmarks that will prove that you really have come to Bandung.
  • Enjoy the atmosphere of the city of Bandung which is truly authentic in the area of Jalan Braga and also in Bandung City Square.
  • Get a variety of interesting souvenirs and souvenirs typical of the city of Bandung on Jalan Braga and the Cihampelas area.
  • Exclamation with a deep impression from a variety of popular game rides today at Trans Studio Bandung.

Included with Every Car Rental:

Car Rental Rules & Safety
Experience Driver
Personal Concierge
Car Replacement