6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

Bandung is well known as one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia that have a lot of interesting places you can visit in downtown. Commonly, you’ll find the places like museum, park, mall, building and the cultural spot in downtown. For those who have the interest to travel in the downtown Bandung, there are so many places you can visit. Those places are actually located not far each other, accessible only in one day. If you have very limited time, traveling in the downtown Bandung will be a great idea then.

1. Trans Studio Bandung

Trans Studio Bandung is one of the theme parks standing on the 4.2-hectare areas. This wide area is offset by plentiful rides you can find like The Lost City, Magic Corner, Dragon Riders, Yamaha Racing Coaster, Superheroes 4D The Raid, and others. It is also known that Trans Studio Bandung is the biggest theme park in Bandung which provides fairly complete facilities and accommodations.

1-DTB 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

1-DTB-1024x683 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

Via : Sekilasharga

2. Gedung Sate

Gedung Sate, with its characteristic of skewer above the central building, has become the symbol or identity of Bandung which is not only known by west java citizens but also the whole citizens of Indonesia. Gedung Sate even influences the building models of the nearby cities in West Java. For instance, train station in Tasikmalaya is similar to Gedung Sate.

3. Bandung Zoo

Bandung Zoo is one the tourist attractions consisting of flora and fauna in the downtown Bandung. Bandung Zoo is located side by side with Bandung Institute of Technology and Cikapundung river. Besides becoming the complement tools of human needs for recreation, Bandung Zoo is also a center of culture, education, wildlife sanctuary, or science and technology.

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3-DTB-1024x683 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

Via : Debagpacker

4. Asia Africa Street and Braga Street

Asia Africa street and Braga street are the most beautiful street extending in the downtown Bandung. Both are actually bordered and connected with a junction. There are multiple magnificent buildings with its uniqueness and history, that become the center of attention for either domestic or international tourists who visit Bandung. Some objects you can find are Gedung Merdeka, Museum of Asia-Africa Conference, Bandung Squares (alun-alun), Braga City Walk, and others.

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4-DTB-1024x683 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

5. Cihampelas Area

Cihampelas provides plentiful factory outlets. You can buy many kinds of clothes made from jeans. No wonder, this area is called as jeans street after all. Uniquely, you’ll be accompanied by superhero statues like Spiderman, Superman, Hulk, Aladin, and others in giant size. The travelers can also do shopping at Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk), stay at the hotel, and enjoy the culinary tour.

6-DTB 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!


5-DTB-1024x683 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

Via : Thejakartapost

6. Thematic Parks

Downtown Bandung has a lot of thematic parks you should visit. The development of the thematic parks utilizes the deserted area and transforms it into the parks that have a different theme. The aim is to provide cozy and lovely public area. Some of the thematic parks in the downtown Bandung are Alun-Alun park, Jomblo park, Musik Centrum park, Vanda park, Lansia park, Pet park, Film park, Photography park, Superhero park, and others.

6-DTB-1024x683 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!5-DTB 6 Downtown Bandung Attractions You Probably Don’t Know!

Via : Infobandung

Do you plan to visit the downtown Bandung? Don’t ever miss these places while in the downtown of Bandung! You can drive your car, ride your motorcycle, or rent a car from Dirgantara Car Rental Bandung to go there. The driver will drive you to anywhere, including visiting a lot of places in the downtown Bandung.

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