Enjoying The Exotic and Beautiful White Crater

Ciwidey White Crater is a popular spot for the travelers who come to Bandung. With exotic panorama that make this place attract tourists local and international, especially those who like to take selfie. The landscape in this destination is fascinating. As the name implies, White Crater  present the picturesque view of a crater or lake with water that is white-greenish. Such a scene is rarely seen elsewhere. That’s why Ciwidey Crater is interesting and worth to be immortalized with the camera.

White Crater History

Actually White Crater Ciwidey is a volcanic lake that emerged and formed because of the eruption of 10th-century Patuha Mountain. Because of the surrounding soil which then mixed with white sulfur makes the water that is accommodated in the crater or lake so follow the white color of green. Interestingly again the color of water in the lake or Ciwidey crater can change if there is influence from temperature, weather and sulfur content in water content.

It is Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, a botanist with a German nationality who first discovered the White Crater of Ciwidey. Precisely in 1837, Dr. Franz came to Kawah Putih Ciwidey area to do research. Having made it to the top of the mountain, Dr. Franz saw a white lake with the exotic smell of belerag. From Dr. Franz is then Ciwidey White Crater investigated the government and then set to become a tourist attraction for the public in 1987.

Main View of White Crater

The color of the lake or crater is the specialty of Ciwidey White Crater. In addition to the view of an exotic lake, in this place we can also find a natural panorama of white land such as white sand beaches, hills and also dry tuna and leaving the stem only. With all these dishes then when in Ciwidey Crater makes us feel like being somewhere else or even in another world.

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Visitor Activity

The main activity of the visitors while at the Ciwidey White Crater is to see the panorama and also take pictures. With the beauty of the landscape presented this place will indeed make visitors who come always want to memabadikannya with the camera. Especially considering the trend of photography today, making this destination has become one of the hunt spot photography Instagramable in Bandung.

Located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level makes the air around Ciwidey White Crater becomes cool even fairly cold. The air temperature in this place ranges from 8 degrees Celsius to 22 degrees Celsius. From this cold temperature, visitors who come can also relax and relax with the maximum by still wearing a jacket.

Entrance Fee and Parking

To enter into Ciwidey Crater White tourist area you are charged an entrance fee of Rp 15.000 / orang. In addition, you who bring a vehicle must also pay a parking tariff divided into two namely the upper parking tariff (close to the location of the crater) and parking rates down (located at the gate and away from the crater location). For parking rates above the amount is Rp 15,000 for cars and Rp 35,000 for motorcycles. As for the parking rate below is Rp 6,000 for cars and Rp 5,000 for motorcycles. If you park the vehicle below then you must be ready to walk to Ciwidey White Crater. But if you are lazy to walk then there is a choice ride Ontang-earring which is a modified mini bus vehicle. The tariff of Ontang Anting ride is Rp 13.000 Rupiah / person.

Also Read : Legendary Mount Tangkuban Perahu

White Crater Facilities

Because it has become a popular tourist and received attention from the Local Government then it is in this White Crater Ciwidey we can find a complete range of facilities such as a large parking area, Ontang-anting transportation, information center, musholla, restaurant and food stalls and toilets.

Of all the white crater that has been described Ciwidey is certainly very unfortunate when you miss it while on vacation in Bandung. Well to more optimally come here you can use the services of Car Rental Bandung from Dirgantara Car Rental that has been trusted. With a wide range of services from Dirgantara Car Rental it will make your travel and adventure tour to White Crater Ciwidey will be more fun and exciting.

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