Four Bandung’s Must-See Sights

Bandung Tourism
Now the holiday season has arrived, and the time to make the mind becomes fresh again with visiting places of tourist interest in the city. For the citizens of the capital and surrounding areas, will certainly know the true excellence of the city, led by Ridwan Kamil is because the distance is not too far away. However, it is different from the others travelers who are unfamiliar with the places of interest in this Paris of Java. Therefore, the following will discuss some of the interesting sights in the city of Bandung, the natural attractions, modern, as well as a shopping center for souvenirs, which you can not miss for a few days on vacation in Flower City.

Tangkuban Perahu Mountain
We all know very well by the legend of Tangkuban Perahu, which is the love story of a boy named Sangkuriang, where loving mother who youthful named Dayang Sumbi / Rarasati. From that legend, Tangkuban Perahu become a major tourism destination in Bandung, with the ever-increasing number of tourists every year. The location of Bandung tour is in the north of the city of Flower, exactly as far as 20 Km. When traveling to the location, you will find a hot water bath Ciater, that is located at the foot of this mountain. When arriving at the location, you can find three unique crater, which is the main attraction of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

Kampung Gajah
Kampung Gajah has become one of the tourist destinations suitable for family holidays. Incorporated in an integrated tourism area, allowing you to locate any desired type of travel. In this place, you not only can enjoy the show of elephants, but also shopping, culinary tours, and even some types of games of water and land. This makes the tourist area of ​​Kampung Gajah never quiet especially during the holiday season arrives.

Kawah Putih Ciwidey
One of the most crowded tourist spots Bandung is ‘White Crater Ciwidey’, which has a distance of about 50 KM from downtown Bandung. Ciwidey white crater popularity is based on the unique natural phenomenon, where water crater in this place has greenish white color. The color can vary according to the temperature and the weather around. The uniqueness of the white color in this place due to the sulfur content of the mountain, which affects the color of the water and surrounding land. If you are heading for the White crater Ciwidey, do not forget to bring a mask as a means to enjoy this place for a long time.

Strawberry garden Ciwidey
In addition to the white crater, Ciwidey area also stores other interesting Bandung travel the strawberry garden. Here, you can take a leisurely walk in the expanse of the garden, and can immediately reap strawberries themselves. Strawberry who have learned will be weighed, and must be paid according to the weight of the scales of the strawberry. If you would like a strawberry with the best quality, then visit the Strawberry Gardens Ciwidey in the dry season. Because strawberries in this place would be much better than the rainy season.

That’s four most popular travel place in Bandung, which can not be separated from the charm and appeal of Flower City. If you are interested in visiting the place, I suggest to rent a private car in order to obtain as planned vacation without interruption. One of the car rental vendor whom you can trust is Dirgantara Car Rental, the car rental company Bandung experienced vendor with the best price and quality. Further information about these Bandung car rental you can access through the website itself

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