Top 3 Best Waterfalls in Bandung

Bandung is the capital of West Java province with a land area of 16,767 hectares. Bandung city is surrounded by mountains, such as Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Wayang, Sunda, Tilu, etc.

There are 11 waterfalls in Bandung, namely:

  1. Curug Cimahi.
  2. Curug Malela.   
  3. Curug Omas.
  4. Curug Cigulung.
  5. Curug Cikawari.
  6. Curug Jompong.
  7. Curug Penganten.
  8. Curug Cinulang.
  9. Curug Dago.
  10. Curug Siliwangi.
  11. Curug Tilu.

Curug Omas, Cigulung, and Cikawari in the tourist area of Maribaya Nature Hot Spring Resort Waterfall.

Curug is a word derived from the Sundanese language. Curug means waterfalls.

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Top 3 best waterfalls in Bandung:

  1. Curug Cimahi.

Curug Cimahi has a height of 87 meters so that it becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Bandung. From the entrance gate, we had to walk down the stairs for 20 minutes, and then we arrived at the place Curug Cimahi.

After enjoying the scenery there, then we have to climb 587 steps, so it is quite tiring as well. Fortunately, there is provided a resting place for those who are already tired. The resting place reserved, especially for those, who are older and / or who want to see the view from the top. He…7x

To increase the number of visitors who come to the waterfall Cimahi then the manager adds light effects to the waterfall that becomes visible is very nice to look at. 🙂


air-terjun-pelangi-curug-cimahi-lembang-bandung-malam-2-11 Top 3 Best Waterfalls in Bandung

Air Terjun Pelangi, Rainbow Waterfalls Lembang Bandung –

  1. Curug Malela

Curug Malela is also known as a mini Niagara Waterfalls in Bandung. Curug Malela has a height of 70 meters so that it becomes one of the highest waterfalls in Bandung. From the entrance gate, we had to walk down the stairs for 30 minutes, and then we arrived at the place Curug Malela.

The grueling trip will pay off when we get there.

Remember this. Do not swim here because the water was very swift. You can be swept up into the reservoir Saguling. Ha … 7x

Remember this! We must be careful when we are in the rocks that are near the waterfall. Especially during the rainy season. Do not let us have a fatal accident like the video below.

Misteri Curug Malela Bandung Yang Terekam Kamera..!!

Curug Malela

  1. Curug Omas

Curug Omas in the tourist area of Maribaya Nature Hot Spring Resort Waterfall.  Actually, besides Curug Omas, still Curug Cigulung, and Curug Cikawari in Maribaya. Curug Omas is the largest waterfall in Maribaya. Therefore, Curug Omas more famous than the other waterfalls in Maribaya.

Maribaya was always known for its hot springs, but now, Maribaya more famous with Curug Omas compared to hot springs. 🙂

Taman Wisata Maribaya (Curug Omas)


There are 11 Curug or waterfalls in Bandung. The 3 best waterfalls in Bandung are Curug Cimahi, Malela, and Omas.

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So what are you waiting for? Contact the Dirgantara Car Rental and visit the 3 best waterfalls in Bandung.

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